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Patient Story

Everything is normal now



Few days ago, Doctor Niu been given a special gift-- a silk-works from Iran. This precious gift come from a patient called Zahra, as she said, this painting is to thanks hospital, especially to Doctor Niu for our helps.

Zahra Ghorashi was a anesthetist, and she was playing volleyball in college. 9 years ago, the healthy woman been told that she got abdominal sarcoma. What she did is to get a surgery in Iran that move on. However, the cancer came back 9 years after the surgery. This time situation get worse, the cancer has been move to her lung and her throat, she could barely breath.

Zahra and her husband have start search online about new treatment for cancer but nothing exciting. She said she do not believe what they told online about the treatment, she was terrified. The hope came when her niece introduce Fuda cancer hospital to them. After knowing doctor Niu and NanoKnife treatment, them decided to come. 

Went through NanoKnife treatment three times, she feel fairly good. When she taking the interview, she put out her heart and said: I’m very glad, I thanks god to know you (guys), and know Fuda hospital. Because I cannot do anything, you know, I don’t have air to breath... now I walking, I start exercising, I can be with my children... go to Canada, come to Iran, come to Guangzhou. Everything is normal. 

Yes, hope everything is normal, we here to have your back.



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