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Patient Story

She smiles brightly under spring sunshine



Few days ago, we spent International Women’s Day in joy and flowers. We would like to share the story of a young lady called YOHANA who bravely fights against cancer. Her optimistic attitude towards life has deeply impressed everyone around her. We hope all women can live in a brave, optimistic and confident way as YOHANA did even in the darkest hour.


When we first saw YOHANA, she smiled gently and her physical shape showed gracefulness and vigor. It was only after she accidentally raised her hand that we found the hospitalized wristband of Fuda Cancer Hospital affiliated to Jinan University (Fuda). How could we believe she is a breast cancer patient?


YOHANA comes from Jakarta, Indonesia. Four years ago, she graduated from a local medical university and was admitted to a university in Chongqing, China, and received a scholarship there. When she returned to Indonesia for vacation, she accidentally found a yellow bean-sized lump in her breast and then immediately went through a medical examination. After examination, the doctor told her and her family that she had breast cancer. Hearing this, sadness and despair overwhelmed her.


At home, she stayed in her room alone, shedding tears of sadness. But suddenly the name of former Indonesian Minister came to her mind--Ms. Endang who was also a cancer patient. She immediately searched the Internet for information, and then she found Fuda and learned about a minimally invasive treatment—cryosurgical ablation which could keep her body intact and clear the tumor! Then she made up her mind to give it a try and defeat the cancer by advanced medical technology!


Later, YOHANA arrived at Fuda for cryosurgical ablation and a series of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. During this period, there were also blood tests and leukogenic injections for her.


During her stay at Fuda, YOHANA would take time to enjoy delicious food throughout Guangzhou and spend some time in her favorite coffee shops. The happiest thing for her was to make friends here! The Indonesian translator of Fuda sometimes accompanied her on the food-seeking trip. What surprised her was that Guangzhou has a magnificent Christian church where she would spend half a day quietly after treatments.


Luckily, experiences in fighting against cancer taught her how to live happily with forgiveness and gratitude.


During treatments, she received love and care from medical staffs at Fuda, so she did not drop a tear. She said, "Since I got sick, I have realized that healthy life is good. Therefore, I want to cheer for the people who are suffering from illness. Fighting against cancer is a special journey that God gave us. No need to be scared. It is a victory to stay alive. Even if I have to leave the world early, I’ll still smile!"


When she mentioned the first cryosurgical ablation she received at Fuda four years ago, she said, “When I opened my eyes and breathed freely, I cried with tears of joy... and tears tasted sweet. It’s just too good to be true.”


Now, YOHANA becomes a teacher. Besides work, she actively gets involved in public welfare. She said, "I received so much love from others in the past, and now it’s time to return."


She wants to "gently treat everyone and smile more warmly towards everyone".

Four years ago, she tasted bitterness and deep despair from cancer, but luckily she learned the beauty and sweetness of life from this experience.


Live each day as if you would die tomorrow and you will find that there is nothing wrong with your life. Only positive and enterprising people can become winners in their life and live a happy life.

We hope all of you will love your life forever!

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