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Hong Kong cancer patient applauded Fuda for its advancement and innovation




Dai couple

Mr. Dai, a 46-year-old Hong Kong civil servant, has always been healthy. But seven months ago, he suddenly got sick. In early June 2016, he went to a local hospital for examination because of right upper abdominal pain. The results showed advanced liver cancer with multiple metastases. The news struck him like a bolt from the blue and made him frustrated.


At that time, a doctor in Hong Kong told him that surgery was not available and suggested that he take targeted drugs. In late June, Mr. Dai began taking targeted drugs, and his abdominal pain was gradually relieved. However, after taking the medicine for a period of time, side effects like cleft and ulcerated feet occurred. Therefore, he had to stop medication.


After drug withdrawal, Mr. Dai’s body went worse, which made his family very worried. Luckily, he saw hope when he was told about Guangzhou Fuda Cancer Hospital (Fuda).


"My family doctor recommended me to attend the lecture given by Professor Xu Kecheng and Professor Niu Lizhi from Fuda. After the lecture, I searched online information of Professor Xu and found that he is not only a well-known oncologist but also a warrior against liver cancer. He is very nice for patients. So, my wife and I went to Guangzhou together," Mr. Dai recalled.


On August 3, Mr. Dai was admitted to Fuda and his admission examination showed that his tumor was larger than before with multiple retroperitoneal lymph nodes. After evaluating his condition, Dr. Niu suggested comprehensive treatment such as interventional therapy with drug microsphere.


Mr. Dai and Mrs. Dai are taking a photo with nurses


Mrs. Dai is making a Christmas gift for medical staff at Fuda

Mr. Dai said with pleasure: "After surgery and taking traditional Chinese medicine prescribed by Professor Li Chaolong, the tumor marker index has dropped significantly and my body weight has regained. Treatment and conditioning are both important for me."


Mr. Dai knew little about cancer before he was suffering from cancer. Now he had learned a lot about cancer prevention from Professor Xu Kecheng's book called Live with Cancer. He added, “Fuda attaches great importance to humanistic care, so the medical staffs there show much care for patients from different countries and regions, which makes every patient feel comfortable.”


Finally, he admits that many people may get a misunderstanding that medical practice in Mainland China is not as good as that in Hong Kong, but actually, advanced medical technologies have been introduced to the Mainland for years.

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