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Patient Story

For 1% of chance, we give 100% effort



In the morning of September 5th, doctors in Fuda Cancer Hospital (FUDA), affiliated to Jinan University, once again successfully removed a giant liposarcoma from the belly of an Indonesian patient. With Prof. Li Chaolong as the chief surgeon, the surgical team, including Dr. Niu Lizhi, Dr. Zhu Weibing and Dr. Wang Feng, took just a little more than 2 hours to finish the surgery that was expected to take more than 8 hours. The patient is now in stable condition.


This patient is suffering from a fast-growing giant liposarcoma that threatens his life in any moment. Several days before the surgery, the patient had manifested poor renal function. His physical condition worsened due to anemia, hyponatremia, hypoproteinemia, as well as ascites. With this high surgical risk, he was denied for operation by every single hospital he visited. During the first consultation in FUDA, the patient held tightly the hand of Prof. Li Chaolong, begging him not to give up on him. He said, “If even doctors in FUDA give up, I don’t know where to go”


It’s hard to say no to a patient when great risk is in presence, but it’s harder to say yes when the chance is so feeble. Convinced by patient’s desire for life and determination of his families, Prof. Li decided to pursue the 1% chance of surgical success with 100% efforts.  After a comprehensive analysis of patient’s conditions, a surgical team with the most skilled surgeon in Fuda was formed to tackle this challenge.


This surgery is highly risky and difficult. The patient had undergone two surgeries, after which mucus was detected between tumor and abdominal wall. In addition, the patient was then under unstable physical condition, and a massive haemorrhage is expected during the operation. These conditions required doctors to complete surgical procedures of opening abdomen, hemostasis, cleaning mucus and removing tumors within the shortest time frame when conditions of kidney require their great attention.

before surgery


The surgery began at 9 o’clock. Prof. Li Chaolong recalled that the patient’s blood pressure kept dropping after he laid down. When doctors opened his abdomen, massive bleeding began as expected. Doctors had to draw out hematocele before Prof. Li Chaolong can separate the liposarcoma from abdominal wall. Prof. Li recalled that his only thought during surgery was to act quickly.


Prof. Li Chaolong (on the left), vice president, Dr. Niu Lizhi (in the middle), and director of inpatient ward, Zhu Weibing (on the right) during the surgery


This surgery is truly a race against time, in which failure would mean a loss of life. After two-hour operation, the surgical team successfully removed tumors and effusion measuring about 9kg in total. After the patient was pushed out from operating room, his families burst into tears with joy.


About 9kg masses and effusion were taken out during the surgery


FUDA, again, has successfully overcome this challenge, another accomplishment that drives them to deal with many more in future. It is a place that has witnessed the power of will and it is a place that is filled with spirit of never-give-up. “Patients come here with hope, and we shall never send them home with that hope lost”. This is heartfelt wish of every staff in FUDA.

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